
Hey! What's Up! It's LeGend077, the creator of the Minecraft CSS framework. I'm going to talk to you in the whole Documentation.

NPM Package: https://www.npmjs.com/package/minecraft-framework-css.


Always use the latest version of package! Latest Version: v1.1.9.



<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/minecraft-framework-css@1.1.9/css/main.css">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/minecraft-framework-css@1.1.9/css/assets/script.js"></script>
  1. Paste above <link> tag at the top of your html file below the head tag.
  2. Paste the above <script> tag at the bottom of your body tag.


Bedrock Buttons


  • To get a Minecraft BE/PE styled button you need to add .button class to your button element. Unfortunately, .button class will not work with links but you can still use it with Java Script.

<button class="button">Click Me</button>


  • There is a dark variant of it also. To get dark button, use class .button-dark to your button element.

<button class="button-dark">Click Me</button>

Java Buttons


  • To get a Minecraft Java Edition (New) styled button you need to add .button-java class to your button element. Unfortunately, .button-java class will not work with links but you can still use it with Java Script.

<button class="button-java">Click Me</button>


  • To get a Minecraft Java Edition (Old) styled button you need to add .button-java-old class to your button element.

<button class="button-java-old">Click Me</button>

Full Width

  • There is also more width style of Java buttons. Add -w to the classes. Warning: They might be broken because of the styling of the Documentation.

<button class="button-java-w">Click Me</button>
<button class="button-java-w-old">Click Me</button>

Button Group

<div class="inline">
    <button class="button">Button 1</button>
    <button class="button-dark">Button 2</button>

Button Sounds (Java Script)

  • There is click sound in Minecraft called random.click which is for button click. So, to add this to your button, you need to add onclick event: onclick="soundOn()". Make sure that you linked the Script tag to your file!

<button class="button" onclick="soundOn()">Click Me</button>
<button class="button-java" onclick="soundOn()">Click Me</button>

Colors and Text

Background Colors

White: Use .bg-white to lighter the Background.

Primary: Use .bg-primary to get a bluish Background.

Dark: Use .bg-dark to get a darked Background.

Warning: Use .bg-warning to get a warning like Background.

Danger: Use .bg-danger to get a Red/Danger Background.

Background in White!
Background in Primary!
Background in Dark!
Background in Danger!
Background in Warning!


Centered Text: Use .text-center to center the text.

I'm Centered
<div class="text-center">I'm Centered</div>

Text Colors

Text: Use .text-white to lighter the text.

Text: Use .text-primary to get a bluish text.

Text: Use .text-dark to get a darked text.

Text: Use .text-warning to get a warning like text.

Text: Use .text-danger to get a Red/Danger text.

  • To get a header, use .header class. In the header, the text is centered.
Hello! How are you?
<div class="header">


  • Title is a bigger text. Use title class.

<label class="title">Minecraft</label>
<div class="title">Minecraft</div>


  • .container class adds some margin, padding and a simple background.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
<div class="container">

Dialogue Box

  • With .dialogue-box class you can get Minecraft like Box Borders.
I'm Good! How are you? I think you are good!
<div class="dialogue-box">
    I'm Good! How are you? I think you are good!

Image Border

  • .img class adds a simple border around it.
<img class="img" src="image.png" alt="...">
  • Default Link: By using a element.


<a href="#">Link</a>
  • White Link: By using .link-white class.


<a href="#" class="link-white">Link</a>


(Work in Progress)

Text Input

  • To get Minecraft BE/PE text input, use .input-text class in your input element with type text.


  • To get a checkbox/toggle, use <input type="checkbox">.
  • To get a (new) checkbox/toggle, use <input type="checkbox" class="new">.


  • To get a MCBE 'Slider', use <input type="range">. Note : The Slider can be glitched here.


  • To get a dropdown like MCBE -
<select name="dropdown" id="dropdown">
      <option value="1">Option 1</option>
      <option value="2">Option 2</option>
      <option value="3">Option 3</option>
      <option value="4">Option 4</option>

Server Forms

As, there are server forms in servers like Hive etc. And you also have seen them. Here are the Web Ones!


Server Forms are not created to like just copy pasting! You've to use your CSS and HTML also!

  • To have a simple form, add server-form class to your div, p or form element. Inside this you can have your buttons etc.
<form class="server-form">
    <label>Choose the Options!</label>
    <button class="button full-width">Click Me</button>
    <button class="button full-width">Go Back</button>
  • To have a form with title, add server-form-with-title class to your div, p or form element. Inside this you can have your buttons etc.

Add form-title class to a div, where you can add your title.

Choose the Options

<form class="server-form-with-title">
    <div class="form-title">Choose the Options</div><br>
    <button class="button full-width">Click Me</button>
    <button class="button full-width">Go Back</button>


Well as you know, In MCBE, there are custom cursors.

  • To have custom cursors, you need to add cursor attribute to a particular element or to the body. Cursor attribute is with three options:

cursor="arrow"- Cursor Appearance as Minecraft Arrow

cursor="pointer"- Cursor Appearance as Pointer(used in consoles, ps4 etc)

cursor="default"- Cursor Appearance as Default.

Hover on me
Hover on me
Hover on me
<div class="container" cursor="arrow">Hover on me</div>
<div class="container" cursor="pointer">Hover on me</div>
<div class="container" cursor="default">Hover on me</div>


What's Next

Now, Start building your site! It is the v1.1.9 of the framework. Version 1.2.0 will come with other/more features.